About Our Therapist
Myofascial Release Therapist, Expert level, Instructor
Women’s Clinical Specialist, Board Certified
CAPP - Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy
Certified Manual Trigger Point Therapist in Dry Needling
Jane O’Brien Franczak, MSPT is a physical therapist of the highest caliber. Her skill and passion for healing dysfunction provides exceptional outcomes for her clients, especially those who report that they have tried everything yet continue to be plagued by their issues. Her methods are very different from traditional models of most physical therapists. Jane looks at the entire being when addressing her clients. She allows her therapy skills to blend with her intuitive senses to listen to the body, providing healing at the core level. She loves what she does and finds great fulfillment in her work.
After graduating from Boston University in 1992 with a master’s degree in Physical Therapy, Jane moved to the southwest and focused her skills on orthopedics treating hikers, cyclists, skiers and clients of all ages and athletic abilities.
Five years later, with a desire to treat on a wholistic level, she shifted her practice to include Myofascial Release (MFR) therapy while working and studying with John Barnes, PT, the founder of the Myofascial Release model. She is now considered an expert in MFR. She often assists the Myofascial Release Seminars as an instructor.
In 1998, Jane began training in pelvic health via courses of the Pelvic Health Academy. In 2008, her advanced training in pelvic health was recognized with the Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy (CAPP).
In 2014, she returned to Maryland to work for Johns Hopkins Health. There, she exclusively treated clients with pelvic floor disorders. The state of the art equipment and practitioners at JHH offered a tremendous learning environment from which she and her clients benefitted immensely.
Jane is a Board Certified Women’s Clinical Specialist (WCS). She served a 2 year term as an Item Writer for Specialization Academy of Content Experts, developing test questions for the certification exam.
She is certified through Myopain Seminars in Dry Needling as a Manual Trigger Point Therapist.
Jane now practices the Myofascial Release model of healing on the eastern shore of Maryland.