Pelvic Health
We treat a variety of pelvic health conditions.
Let us help you overcome and heal dysfunction.
Pelvic pain
Painful intercourse
Urinary retention
Abdominal Pain
Painful scars
Diastasis Rectus
Pelvic organ prolapse
Pre and post natal

Archives from Jane’s Tahoe years
Pregnancy & Post Delivery Packages
Pregnancy Pak
Support your body during the incredible changes that pregnancy brings. This package includes 3 sessions designed to prevent perineal and muscle tears during delivery and alleviate pain as you progress through pregnancy.
Pelvic Floor Anatomy & Function Education
Pelvic Floor Lengthening & Joint Balance
Perineal Massage & Pushing Practice, Prep for Labor & Delivery
Postpartum Pak
Giving birth can be traumatic on the pelvic muscles and joints. These 3 sessions restore the pelvic floor muscles, release scar tissue, align the pelvic girdle and get you back on your feet.
Pelvic Floor Muscles, Joints & Abdomen treatments.
Exercises for the Abdominals, and Pelvic Floor
Progression to return to more strenuous activity & pain free Intercourse.
Bundled Package
At SerendipPT, we understand the importance of optimizing your heal and healing from pregnancy and the delivery process. This 6 pack of services is designed to guide you through your pregnancy and recovery.
By committing to working with us for 6 sessions, we are extending this offering at a reduced rate.

Pregnancy, Delivery, Surgery, & Trauma can lead to unexpected changes in the pelvic floor and organ functions. Men, women and children may suffer from dysfunction in the pelvic floor (PFD). Our physical therapist has advanced training and skills in pelvic health to resolve pelvic floor issues. These issues are common and can be corrected.
Often, pelvic floor issues are caused by a problem with the muscles. The endurance or timing is poor. Many times, exercises have been ineffective due to overly tight muscles or poor exercise performance. Our PT can assess the issues and successfully treat the problem.
What to expect:
A comprehensive assessment of your musculoskeletal system to determine the cause and proper treatment plan.
Assessment of behaviors that may aggravate your condition
Treatment consisting of behavior modification, home exercises, biofeedback, Myofascial Release, manual therapies, and education to understand your issue.
Compassionate, 1-on-1 treatments to guide to you living the life you are longing to have.
SerendipPT treats multiple conditions caused by pelvic floor dysfunction. If you suffer from any of the conditions listed above, contact us to discuss your treatment options.
Self Help tools for Pelvic health
A pelvic health store that sells supplies -
What is fascia?Fascia is tough, thick connective tissue that spreads through the body head to toe in one continuous 3D web. It envelopes muscles, bones, nerves, organs, and blood vessels and infuses the cells. It can be viewed in the shiny tough layers in a steak or chicken. When fascia is injured, it can tighten, and pull with tremendous pressure, altering the alignment of the body and wreaking havoc on the system. Fascial tension cannot be seen on traditional tests such as X-rays or MRI. A skilled therapist can place a hand on the body and feel the tension in the fascial system. Fascial tension is often overlooked by traditional medicine and therapy. It can be the missing link to treatment.
How does fascia become tight?Poor posture, surgery, stress and trauma can cause fascia to become tight. When tight, it can pull with up to 2000lbs/square inch, crushing pain sensitive structures, altering the skeletal frame and causing pain.
How is Myofascial Release performed?John Barnes' MFR is a full-body, hands-on technique. The therapist will assess the tissue texture and posture of the client. The technique is performed on dry skin, without lotions or oils. The therapist uses her hands to elongate the tissues throughout the body. Due to fascia being one continuous structure, distant areas from the symptoms are often included in treatment. We have it within ourselves to heal. MFR assists the body in that self-healing. The Therapist facilitates it by unlocking restrictions and trapped emotions releasing the straight jacket of pressure. Clients who play an active role in their healing through daily self stretches tend to make the greatest strides towards their goals
Will I be sore?Clients usually feel great relief from the treatments. Occasionally, they may feel soreness. This is not injurious pain. It is the fascial voice. It is important to relay the information to your therapist for successive treatments. A hot pack or bath is helpful to alleviate any discomfort.
What is Dry Needling?Dry Needling, aka trigger point dry needling, is a therapy technique to ease muscle pain. It involves inserting very fine needles into a painful muscle knot to create a local twitch reflex which breaks the pain cycle.
What is a trigger point?Trigger points are taut bands of tight muscles. There is excessive spasm in these points causing pain in the muscle and often, in distant areas.
What will I feel?The client will feel a twitch of the muscles as the motor point depolarizes. The autonomic nervous system may kick in causing sweating, nervousness, and drowsiness. If there is any residual discomfort, ice greatly helps.
How does it work?The dry needling depolarizes the nerve, causing a twitch in the muscle to releases the spasm. This allows for increased blood flow and oxygen into the tissues. The pH increases from acidic to basic. These changes cause a decrease in pain.
Can treatment help me even if I'm not injured?Your therapist will discuss your goals, assess your body and determine what is needed to achieve your desired outcome. A combination of Myofascial Release, manual therapies, dry needling, if needed, and energy work will help you feel relaxed and grounded. By restoring the fascia’s integrity and mobility, treatments can improve blood flow, nerve conduction and muscle power. Energy is restored to your system. You leave feeling a change in your system, and generally, refreshed and released.
How long is a session?Sessions last 55 min. Longer sessions (90-120 min) are available if requested.
How often should I have treatments?Your therapist will give you suggestions on how to maintain and enhance your treatment. It is recommend that you spend 15 min/day to tune into your body, find restrictions, practice the stretches and improve your inner awareness. Having regularly scheduled MFR sessions helps to keep the body functioning at optimal levels. Once a month sessions are an amazing gift to oneself to stay healthy and feel fabulous.
How do I get started?Contact SerendipPT via email or by phone to discuss treatment options and set up your appointment.